School Projects

  • Queensferry Road Garden
  • Mountain Bike Award
  • Virtual Reality Pastoral Support
  • 3D Printer
  • Cricket Mat
  • Digital Piano
  • Chinese Calligraphy
  • ESMS Pipe Band
Full Report available HERE


  • Gardening and Eco Club for Primary 6 and 7
  • Orienteering Club
  • CCF
  • SMC History Cafe
  • SMC Wood Turning Club
  • Playground Equipment for Primary 4

Full report available HERE


  • House Challenge Boards – The challenge scoreboard now graces the entrance to primary 7 providing regular updates on the House scoring system. A key feature being the house names represent prevalent trees found on site

  • Netball posts and court markings – These were supplied for the primary 5, 6 and 7 Netball Clubs
  • Playground Equipment – A quantity of equipment was purchased for use in the Junior School playground.
  • Marimba – Mary Erskine School Music Department purchased a Marimba which is a significant new asset for music at MES and is used by many pupils for solo and ensemble playing

  • Photography – The MES Photography Club received an award to purchase new equipment

  • Orienteering – In Erskine Stewart’s Melville Senior School, there was a grant given to purchase various items of equipment for Orienteering, one of the few extra-curricular activities the School has been able to offer during the pandemic



  • Basketball Hoops – Supplied for use by MES girls for play at lunchtime and during PE lessons outdoors
  • Canoe Trailer – Purchased for regular canoeing/kayaking trips to either Water of Leith or Union Canal and for use on other expeditions such as Duke of Edinburgh Awards
  • Challenge Boards – The scoreboard provides visible scheduling of ‘challenges’ for the Middle School between the various houses
  • Play Materials – A number of resources were purchased for the play area in the Queensway House playground and are used by Primary 4 and 5
  • Rowing Club – 2 new model rowing machines were bought to replace old and broken equipment for the MES Rowing Club
  • Camera & Chargers – The Junior School received a grant to buy photographic equipment for their School trips
  • Film Making Club – A video tripod and camera stabilizer were purchased for MES Club
  • Melville College Trust History Book 1932-1973 – This book was scanned and digitally saved to the School Archive pages and is now used by boys studying history as an online resource and is also available to members of the public and former pupils seeking further information about the history of Melville College



  • Allotment Club – Purchase of a range of seeds, plants and other resources for the club
  • Mindfulness and Yoga Club – various items bought including yoga mats, bean bags and hula hoops for the Junior School Club
  • Outdoor Benches & Chalkboards – Supplied for primary 3 for helping with learning outdoors and quieter areas for playground activities
  • Shooting Club – Provision of an Honours Board for the Shooting Team Captains. This is situated alongside other CCF Honours Boards which were also supplied by a grant from the Melville College Trust
  • CCF Jackets – Supply of additional jackets for the Shooting Club enabling increased numbers to take part in a number of national competitions
  • Science Book Club – Purchase of new books and materials for the Club. Books will also be available within the School Library
  • Boxing Club – Purchase of new gloves, pads and head guards replacing old and worn out equipment
  • Tommy Memorial Statue – Provision of a ‘There But Not There’ statute which now over looks the Poppy Memorial Garden outside the The Dean Church which is now owned by the School

  • Music Honours Board – The Music Department were able to purchase 4 Honours Boards which are displayed in Reid House (boys) and Ravelston House (girls)
  • Eb Clarinet – Purchase of a rare professional clarinet and will benefit School ensembles for years to come
  • Pipe Band – The band purchased a new snare drum and carrying harness and provides all senior drummers to play the same model of drum
  • Darts Club – A grant was used to purchase a dart board and sets of darts for use by Senior 5 pupils
  • Malawi Club – A grant towards the development of the School partnership in Malawi



  • Basketball Scoreboard – Purchase of an electronic scoreboard for the MES Basketball Club
  • Allotment Club – Provision of a Shed and Raised Beds for the SMC Allotment Club
  • Canoes for Carbisdale – Eight new kayaks were bought for the Carbisdale project and will also be used in other expeditions
  • Boarding House Library – Grant provided to buy approximately 125 new books for the small library in the boys boarding house
  • Weaving Club – Primary 6 were able to purchase looms allowing a Weaving Club to be run
  • Wargames Club – Received 2 awards to purchase a couple of popular games, both of which will broaden the appeal of the Club
  • Netball Club – a grant has helped start up a Primary 7 girls Netball Club which has subsequently been expanded to Primary 5 and 6
  • CCF – The purchase of Shooting Jackets has enabled more cadets to maximise the time available for shooting practice with cadets fitted and ready to shoot
  • Scripture Union – Purchase of a full set of bibles including an A3 size Bible resource book
  • Games Equipment – Primary 4 received a variety of equipment for use in the spare time at camp
  • Junior School Library – Purchase of revolving floor-standing and table-top display cabinets for the Junior School Cromarty Library which has provided a dedicated place for new stock



In December 2016 Sir Fraser Stoddart became the first former pupil to be awarded a Nobel Prize.

Immediately after receiving the award in Sweden he came to the school to talk to senior chemistry pupils and a few guests including Miss Christie. During that visit and in conjunction with the current Principal we discussed with him a suitable way for the Trust to recognise this achievement. The decision was taken to award a prize for collaborative research in Chemistry by a team of two pupils or more.

Sir Fraser returned as a speaker at Founders’ Day in June 2017 and presented the prize to the first two winners Andrew Ricketts & Anthony Hughes of S4 which comprised a commemorative certificate to each pupil signed by Sir Fraser together with a book token.

A draft copy of the commemorative certificate is shown here – SirFraserStoddartPrize2017


  • Lego Construction Kits – Used by Primary 5 during wet play times
  • Rucksacks – Supply of 50 litre rucksacks to be used by Cadet Force during field-craft exercises
  • Puppet Making Club – Purchase of a wooden puppet theatre to be used by Primary 5
  • Athletics – MES Athletics Club received a supply of starting blocks and starting pistols, which will improve the quality of home athletic fixtures. The starting pistols are also used on ESMS sports day
  • Ballot Boxes – Purchase of 2 ballot boxes have upgraded the overall appearance of School mock elections and to raise awareness of politics in School
  • Shooting Club – Supply of additional equipment : shooting mats, spotting scope and extra slings. This enables further students to participate in the after School club.
  • Orienteering Kit – The new equipment has been used in a number of activities, particularly at Carbisdale, ‘taster’ sessions for Girls in Senior 2 and within the CCF section. With the extended range of equipment, the School are aligned with many of the orienteering clubs around Scotland

  • SMC Hockey – Purchase of a Hi Pod camera and mast allows the hockey coaches to film from a height of 20 feet (in HD) for both Primary and Senior school training and matches. The footage can then be used to analyse the performances of what is now a very successful School sport
  • Malawi Trip – The purchase of charity suitcases enabled the transportation of various items of equipment for use by The Edinburgh Girl’s High School in Malawi
  • World War 1 and 2 Memorabilia – A number of artefacts were purchased to enhance the collection of World War items for the History Club
  • Quiz Clubs – Senior 1 and 2 have been able to purchase a new set of buzzers and quiz books
  • Pipe Band – The band replaced 4 tenor drums and has provided an opportunity for junior members to participate in engagements
  • Comic and Anime Club – This is new Club and the support from the Trust has provided the opportunity to borrow relevant titles for discussion and develop pupils evaluation and group work
  • Table Tennis Club – Purchase of a new table has allowed additional players to participate
  • Coding Club – The Club were able to purchase 8 Raspberry Pi computers. These computers control all the various projects that are being worked on. Other kits used by the Club were also purchased



  • Shooting Club – Supply of shooting jackets and gloves, helping to develop team technique and performance
  • Boxing Ring Floor – Purchase of a Boxing Ring to help the Boxing Club with training and sparring sessions
  • CCF RAF Daysacks and Leadership Training Kits – Supply rucksacks to RAF section, so every cadet can now be issued with one when they join. Two additional training kits purchased for the RAF section, aiding team building and competitions
  • MES Allotment Club – Purchase of additional equipment and seeds for the Club
  • History Club Artefacts – Further support of the History Club to purchase additional artefacts for the Victorian Soldier kit, First World War and Second World War Collections
  • Restaurant Venture – Purchase of aprons for Primary 6 children to allow participation in the preparation of evening meal for parents and friends
  • MES Netball Club – Purchase of Netball equipment which is now integrated into the curriculum for S4 and S5 girls, in addition to the lunchtime club for all senior girls
  • CCF Honours Boards and Trailer – Provision of four honours boards to record names of senior cadets from Army and RAF sections, and a replacement twin-axle trailer for camps and field exercises

  • Unicycle Club – Purchase of 15 sets of replacement pedals
  • MES Rebotics Club – Supply of 2 lego mindstorm kits for the new Rebotics Club
  • Javelin Trolley – The trolley aids both the primary and senior athletics clubs.
  • Latin Club – Purchase of equipment for the S2 Latin Club
  • Hockey Trophy and Medals – Provision of new trophy and medals for the P7 inter-school hockey tournament
  • Geography Exploration Library – Purchase of new library books to assist Higher and Advanced Higher pupils
  • Nursery Waterproofs – Purchase of 32 waterproof dungarees and jackets which are used to enhance the Forest Kindergarten programme, allowing boys and girls to spend more time outdoors
  • Product Design Project – Purchase of a range of tools for the Junior School.


  • History Club – Purchase of various military artefacts to stimulate boy’s interest in History
  • MES Climbing Club – Mary Erskine girls obtained grant to buy additional climing equipment
  • Junior School Chess Club – The Junior School received support to develop chess skills, with many of them going on to receive certificates from Chess Scotland
  • MES Allotment Club – Purchase of essential equipment to establish Allotment Club at Mary Erskine.  Grant also helped school construct a permanent resource for girls studying Biology, Geography and Environmental Science
  • Pipe Band Drums – The band received support to purchase replacement snare drums

  • Junior School Library – The Library benefited from the purchase of 6 Kindle Fires, to allow children access to eBooks and online magazines which are not available elsewhere
  • SMC War Games Club – The Club were able to supplement their existing supplies with the purchase of more strategic games
  • Electronic Keyboards – The Music Department were able to purchase additional keyboards, which allowed additional practice sessions to be organised, and pupils were also able to practice in their own time
  • Silva Ranger Compasses – This purchase helped the newly formed Orienteering Club at Mary Erskine and both schools when they take part in projects at Carbisdale
  • Junior School Climbing Club – Support was given to allow the Club experience open rock climbing under the guidance of qualified instructors


  • Mary Erskine Rowing Club – Support was provided to purchase 4 sets of sculling oars
  • Junior School – Grants were provided to a number of projects which supported the purchase of a portable Dance Floor, free-standing ballet barres for use during ballet lessons, 3 roller mats for the benefit of the Gymnastic Club, the provision of materials for the building of outdoor furniture to be used by the children in the Junior School playground and for pupils in primary 4, who have been working in partnership with the John Muir Initiative support to create wild spaces, garden areas and habitats for insects
  • Ukuleles – An expanding group of ecletic musicians received the provision of 3 ukuleles to allow more opportunities for boys to take part

  • Dads and Lads – A grant was allocated to the ‘Dads and Lads’ evening club, which arranges visits from authors who write specifically write for teenagers, and this encourages the boys to stimulate their interest in literature
  • F1 Club – Now a thriving Club, a grant was able to provide a jig and software
  • Outdoor Education – A number of activities received the Trust’s support.  Grants were given to replenish and upgrade stocks of items of equipment used by a large number of senior boys and girls on school projects such as Carbisdale and as well as on smaller expeditions by the Walking Club and outdoor education groups. Specific items purchased include rucksacks and snow shoes.  Additional Walkie Talkies were purchased to supplement existing supplies for both Stewarts Melville and Mary Erskine pupils on outdoor expeditions. Canoe buoyancy foam blocks were purchased to replace outdated equipment, which aid the learning techniques of canoeing

  • Climbing Club – The Club were able to purchase 10 climbing harnesses and storage boxes, thus minimising the hire of equipment.
  • Scripture Union – A grant was provided to engage the services of a professional storyteller and purchase new teaching resources to develop the lunchtime sessions of the group
  • Boarding House – 50th Anniversary. Dean Park House – the School Boarding House in Queensferry Terrace, celebrated it’s 50th anniversary in 2013. To mark the event the Trust donated a new electronic piano and large screen television




  • Junior School – Primary 7 have gradually been constructing a very large and impressive den. From initial design to final construction virtually all the work has been carried out by the children ranging from sawing to drilling, hammering to concreting and a small grant was used to purchase materials required to complete the project.  Primary 2 received a grant to purchase wooden table and benches as part of a programme to renovate and upgrade the playground
  • Outdoor Education – A grant was provided to replenish and upgrade various items of equipment used by senior boys and girls on School projects such as Carbisdale and expeditions by the Walking Club.  New tents were purchased to replace old ones no longer waterproof and high quality kayaks were bought to be used on more advanced expeditions by senior boys and girls.  The Junior School Flash Dance Group received support to purchase a set of costumes
  • Mary Erskine Climbing Club – The Club purchased 2 ropes to help girls develop their climbing skills

  • Table Tennis – A new table was purchased for the use by boys in Stewart’s Melville CollegeChess – A grant was provided to the Junior School Chess Club to allow them to register with the National body, thus allowing them to take part in competitions
  • Swimming Equipment – The Mary Erskine Swimming Club were able to purchase additional equipment to allow girls to train more professionally
  • World War 2 Artefacts – Stewarts Melville History Department were able to increase their range of artefacts and help increase the relevance of the subject to boys studying this period of history
  • Rowing Club – A new Club has been established at Mary Erskine and support enabled equipment to be purchased and enable the Club to develop
  • Unicycle Club – The increasing popularity of unicycling both in the Junior School and in Stewart’s Melville College led to a request for the purchase of a small number of additional unicycles to reflect the popularity of the sport