The Trust is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) with Charity Number SC053233. The structure of the organisation consists of Governors and Members.
The Governors are the Trustees of the Charity and are appointed by the Members at the AGM, initially for a 3-year term and may be re-appointed for further 3-year terms, subject to a maximum period of service of 9 years. The maximum term of office may be extended following a minimum of 1 year’s break from the Board, provided that any such extension is approved by the Board and appointed by the Members at a general meeting. At all times the majority of the Governors must be former pupils of ESMS or its predecessor schools.
The current Governors are:
- S L L Paterson (Chair)
- T N M Bryson
- C M Collingwood
- V J N Coltherd
- C M Cunningham
- J Johnston
- M G MacColl
- R A Scott
- S P Newlands
Membership is comprised of the Governors, Honorary Members, Ex-Officio Members and Ordinary Members. Membership is open to any individual over 16 who is a Governor; a former Governor; a former pupil of ESMS or its predecessor schools; the Chair of the Merchant Company Education Board or their nominee (ex officio); the President of Daniel Stewart’s and Melville College FP Club or their nominee (ex officio); the President of the Mary Erskine FP Guild or their nominee (ex officio); and such other person as the Governors may decide.
The current Honorary Members and Ex Officio Members are:
Honorary Members
- I G Gardiner
- A B Dobson
- G Macrae
- K H Richards
- K R G Richardson
- N Ross
- J M Scott
- A Veitch
Ex Officio Members
- TBC (Nominee of Merchant Company Education Board)
- C J Anderson (President, Stewart’s Melville FP Club)
- TBC (Nominee of Mary Erskine FP Guild)
Under the Constitution, the Governors may elect (from amongst themselves) a Chair and Vice Chair. They may also appoint a Clerk/Treasurer (who need not be a Governor).
The current Office bearers are:
S L L Paterson
D N Dunsire LLB, WS, c/o Lindsays, Caledonian Exchange, 19a Canning Street, Edinburgh, EH3 8HE